E-Learning KlasMU

by Ebe Edu Labs



E-Learning KlasMU or Cyber ​​Class of SMK Muhammadiyah Wonosari is a Mobile Learning application for students of SMK Muhammadiyah Wonosari. This application is lighter and can be used with unstable networks.KlasMU E-Learning facilities include:1. Course/Subject Dashboard2. Discussion forums, blogs and questionnaires3. Multi activities4. Online Video Conference Activities, Assignments, Learning Materials and Quizzes/CBT/AKM.5. Intuitive, interactive and multi-directional.6. Communication in learning from teacher to student, student to student and group discussion.7. Elegant, contemporary and up-to-date appearance.8. Course notifications per day are sent to students via WA automatic messages.The KlasMU E-Learning facility will continue to be updated according to the schools request.